Very Important Person
Date Owner Player Action
25.02.2018 14:39 AdmBot Seth.RASISTU Left the clan
25.02.2018 14:35 AdmBot McGregor7777 Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:35 AdmBot qKEPA Left the clan
25.02.2018 14:31 AdmBot DarkNight.JR Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:30 AdmBot Magaforce43 Got rank 5
25.02.2018 14:27 AdmBot Anca2 Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:26 AdmBot Magaforce43 Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:24 AdmBot AndreiUK. Left the clan
25.02.2018 14:22 AdmBot Uchiha.Sarada Left the clan
25.02.2018 14:22 AdmBot [$]RaK[N3T] Left the clan
25.02.2018 14:22 AdmBot MyNameIsPavel Left the clan
25.02.2018 14:20 AdmBot DarkNight.exe Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:20 AdmBot [darkbullet] Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:20 AdmBot Rogo16ro Joined the clan
25.02.2018 14:19 AdmBot Nackt[NSFW] Joined the clan